[chromium-discuss] gclient not working
Agathe Benichou
2018-12-03 15:15:32 UTC
Hello, I am trying to download V8 to be able not integrate it into a C++
project I have. Here are the steps I have taken (according to the
instructions found https://v8.dev/docs/embed#advanced-guide):

- Get depot tools: git clone
- Add depot tools to the end of .bash_profile: export
- Update depot_tools : gclient

This 'gclient' command is where it hangs for me - it doesn't produce any
output unless I provide is with 'gclient -j1 -v'. After about 20 minutes of
waiting on this command, I get the following string of error messages: I
noticed that it hands on .cipd_client

*CIPD selfupdate failed. Trying to bootstrap the CIPD client from

[P5451 09:27:19.465 client.go:312 W] RPC failed transiently. Will retry in
1s {"error":"failed to send request: Post
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority",
"host":"chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com", "method":"ResolveVersion",
"service":"cipd.Repository", "sleepTime":"1s"}

[P5451 09:27:20.515 client.go:312 W] RPC failed transiently. Will retry in
2s {"error":"failed to send request: Post
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority",
"host":"chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com", "method":"ResolveVersion",
"service":"cipd.Repository", "sleepTime":"2s"}

[P5451 09:27:22.558 client.go:312 W] RPC failed transiently. Will retry in
4s {"error":"failed to send request: Post
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority",
"host":"chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com", "method":"ResolveVersion",
"service":"cipd.Repository", "sleepTime":"4s"}

[P5451 09:27:26.604 client.go:312 W] RPC failed transiently. Will retry in
8s {"error":"failed to send request: Post
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority",
"host":"chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com", "method":"ResolveVersion",
"service":"cipd.Repository", "sleepTime":"8s"}

[P5451 09:27:34.649 client.go:312 W] RPC failed transiently. Will retry in
16s {"error":"failed to send request: Post
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority",
"host":"chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com", "method":"ResolveVersion",
"service":"cipd.Repository", "sleepTime":"16s"}

[P5451 09:27:50.700 client.go:312 W] RPC failed transiently. Will retry in
32s {"error":"failed to send request: Post
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority",
"host":"chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com", "method":"ResolveVersion",
"service":"cipd.Repository", "sleepTime":"32s"}

[P5451 09:28:22.743 client.go:312 W] RPC failed transiently. Will retry in
1m4s {"error":"failed to send request: Post
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority",
"host":"chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com", "method":"ResolveVersion",
"service":"cipd.Repository", "sleepTime":"1m4s"}

[P5451 09:29:26.788 client.go:312 W] RPC failed transiently. Will retry in
2m8s {"error":"failed to send request: Post
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority",
"host":"chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com", "method":"ResolveVersion",
"service":"cipd.Repository", "sleepTime":"2m8s"}

I don't know what this means but when I follow the link
https://chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com/prpc/cipd.Repository/ResolveVersion using
'curl -X' (for a POST) it says invalid domain name. I checked https://chrome-infra-packages.appspot.com
and 'prpc' isn't a package option. What is the solution here? Why is it
fetching a package that doesn't exist? Also, where is this certificate
signed by unknown authority error coming from?

Please help!

Thank you in advance
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