2018-07-30 12:15:53 UTC
After a lot of googling, visiting many forums (here, SO, askubuntu.com,
raspberrypi ...) and testing in many ways, I haven't found a solution (nor
anyone else apparently), posts are either old, incomplete or unsolved. I
come searching for solutions (and hell I will document them if found).
*Desired Output*
Chromium parses strings to audio with the native Javascript SpeechSyntesis
Chromium returns empty *voices *array first, then upon reload Ctrl + R
finds all the voices, but returns a robotic-like, incomprehensible voice.
charset="utf-8"/><script>window.speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged = e => { //
Words to talk var utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('Hello hell');
// This is empty console.log(window.speechSynthesis.getVoices()); voices =
window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); // This is empty as well
console.log(voices); utterance.voice = voices.filter(function(voice) {
return voice.name == "english espeak-ng"; })[0]; // This is null
*Output (in Chromium's Dev. console)*
Array(0) x2
** Robotic noises **
*After browser reload:*
(95) [SpeechSynthesisVoice, SpeechSynthesisVoice, ...] x2
{SpeechSynthesisVoice {voiceURI: "english espeak-ng", name: "english
espeak-ng", lang: "", localService: true, default: false}
** Robotic noises **
From terminal: chromium-browser textToSpeech.html --enable-speech-dispatcher
*System and software versions*
- Raspberry pi 3B+ 1GB 1.3
- Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
- Chromium 65.0.3325.181 Built on Raspbian 9.4
- Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version k4.14.50-v7+
- PulseAudio card 10.0
- Installed --> speech-dispatcher 0.8.6
- Installed --> eSpeak text-to-speech: 1.48.15 (eSpeak-ng not regular)
- Installing regular eSpeak does nothing.
- Using *--enable-speech-synthesis* flag is necessary for chromium to
detect the voices, but raises a *"You are using and unsupported
command-line flag..."* in the browser. Without this flag, no noise is
ever made or voices ever detected in any reload.
- A similar version of this code works fine in Chrome 67.0.3396.99 (32
bits) for Windows 10 (32 bits) (replacing *voice.name* for *voice.lang
== "en-UK"* ).
- No Google API keys are being used in either of the OS.
- *spd-conf and spd-conf -d* do not exist or work in the Raspberry
- External libraries like ResponsiveVoice.js
<https://responsivevoice.org/> work fine (so audio is OK).
raspberrypi ...) and testing in many ways, I haven't found a solution (nor
anyone else apparently), posts are either old, incomplete or unsolved. I
come searching for solutions (and hell I will document them if found).
*Desired Output*
Chromium parses strings to audio with the native Javascript SpeechSyntesis
Chromium returns empty *voices *array first, then upon reload Ctrl + R
finds all the voices, but returns a robotic-like, incomprehensible voice.
charset="utf-8"/><script>window.speechSynthesis.onvoiceschanged = e => { //
Words to talk var utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('Hello hell');
// This is empty console.log(window.speechSynthesis.getVoices()); voices =
window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); // This is empty as well
console.log(voices); utterance.voice = voices.filter(function(voice) {
return voice.name == "english espeak-ng"; })[0]; // This is null
*Output (in Chromium's Dev. console)*
Array(0) x2
** Robotic noises **
*After browser reload:*
(95) [SpeechSynthesisVoice, SpeechSynthesisVoice, ...] x2
{SpeechSynthesisVoice {voiceURI: "english espeak-ng", name: "english
espeak-ng", lang: "", localService: true, default: false}
** Robotic noises **
From terminal: chromium-browser textToSpeech.html --enable-speech-dispatcher
*System and software versions*
- Raspberry pi 3B+ 1GB 1.3
- Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
- Chromium 65.0.3325.181 Built on Raspbian 9.4
- Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version k4.14.50-v7+
- PulseAudio card 10.0
- Installed --> speech-dispatcher 0.8.6
- Installed --> eSpeak text-to-speech: 1.48.15 (eSpeak-ng not regular)
- Installing regular eSpeak does nothing.
- Using *--enable-speech-synthesis* flag is necessary for chromium to
detect the voices, but raises a *"You are using and unsupported
command-line flag..."* in the browser. Without this flag, no noise is
ever made or voices ever detected in any reload.
- A similar version of this code works fine in Chrome 67.0.3396.99 (32
bits) for Windows 10 (32 bits) (replacing *voice.name* for *voice.lang
== "en-UK"* ).
- No Google API keys are being used in either of the OS.
- *spd-conf and spd-conf -d* do not exist or work in the Raspberry
- External libraries like ResponsiveVoice.js
<https://responsivevoice.org/> work fine (so audio is OK).
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