[chromium-discuss] Unwanted updates of ReactJS project page titles in Chrome browser history
Mohsen Baqi
2018-11-22 14:26:58 UTC
In my React project, Im using react-router to navigate and different
modules to set page titles (such as react-helmet, react-head, etc.)
Page titles are set in nav bar as well, but as you see in attached files,
in the Chrome browser history (not other browsers), the titles are updated
after navigating to new pages which is a weird behavior. Why the history of
the visited pages should be updated at all?


[image: Screen Shot 2018-11-22 at 17.24.31.png]


[image: Screen Shot 2018-11-22 at 17.25.39.png]


[image: Screen Shot 2018-11-22 at 17.27.02.png]

I should mention it's not my first and only experience of facing this
issue, I faced this issue even in other projects and in deployed
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2018-11-22 14:51:47 UTC
The screenshots are too small and unclear and you did not supply any code
to test, but -
You can search crbug.com for an existing issue and star it. If you cannot
find one, file a new issue using the "New issue" link on the same page.
Please, do not add a "+1" or "Me too" or "Confirmed" (or similar) comment.
It just wastes the time of Chrome engineers and sends unnecessary e-mails
to all of the people who starred the issue.

You can reply with a link to the found or created issue and might get
triaged (and fixed) faster.

Thank you.

Post by Mohsen Baqi
In my React project, Im using react-router to navigate and different
modules to set page titles (such as react-helmet, react-head, etc.)
Page titles are set in nav bar as well, but as you see in attached files,
in the Chrome browser history (not other browsers), the titles are updated
after navigating to new pages which is a weird behavior. Why the history of
the visited pages should be updated at all?
[image: Screen Shot 2018-11-22 at 17.24.31.png]
[image: Screen Shot 2018-11-22 at 17.25.39.png]
[image: Screen Shot 2018-11-22 at 17.27.02.png]
I should mention it's not my first and only experience of facing this
issue, I faced this issue even in other projects and in deployed
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