[chromium-discuss] Maximum call stack size exceeded only on chrome
Ozgen Eren
2018-09-21 13:34:26 UTC
12:34 PM (2 hours ago)
I have an analysis Rshiny application that first checks if there were any
previously done analysis and if there is, it reads it and shows it as a
table. Otherwise user can run analysis himself and see the results in the
same table. Everything works perfectly fine except I have a specific
problem with chrome.

Only when chrome is used (works in IE, safari, firefox), and there is a
saved existing analysis result, Rshiny reads the file, I confirmed that it
prepares the datatable correctly (~3000 rows) but does not show it
(although I return the correct datatable to renderDataTable). However when
I run the analysis, it is able to create the table and show it as it was
supposed to using the same part of the code. So the problem is only
apparent when the datatable is read from a file for the first time
(although read is successfully completed and datatable was successfully
prepared). And when I check the console I see "Maximum call stack size
exceeded" error for that case.

Could stack size be relevant with the datatable I am initially trying to
show somehow? And would increasing the stacksize be a solution? If yes, how
do I achieve that from R?

Exact error I am getting:

htmlwidgets.js:732 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Object.window.HTMLWidgets.evaluateStringMember (htmlwidgets.js:732)
at exports.OutputBinding.shinyBinding.renderValue (htmlwidgets.js:496)
at exports.OutputBinding.onValueChange (output_binding.js:16)
at exports.OutputBinding.delegator.(:6158/anonymous function) [as
onValueChange] (
at OutputBindingAdapter.onValueChange (output_binding_adapter.js:21)
at ShinyApp.receiveOutput (shinyapp.js:354)
at ShinyApp.<anonymous> (shinyapp.js:566)
at ShinyApp._sendMessagesToHandlers (shinyapp.js:551)
at ShinyApp.dispatchMessage (shinyapp.js:537)
at WebSocket.c.onmessage (shinyapp.js:112)
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2018-09-24 12:20:05 UTC
It sounds a bit like crbug.com/752081 (already fixed and released).
It basically talks about an infinite (or big enough) recursion within the
JavaScript parser.
Thousands of those (or similar) -
a = ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
Caused it.
I guess you are constructing the existing data using somehow and the parser
recurs until it dies.

How is it the output constructed in your case?

Post by Ozgen Eren
12:34 PM (2 hours ago)
I have an analysis Rshiny application that first checks if there were any
previously done analysis and if there is, it reads it and shows it as a
table. Otherwise user can run analysis himself and see the results in the
same table. Everything works perfectly fine except I have a specific
problem with chrome.
Only when chrome is used (works in IE, safari, firefox), and there is a
saved existing analysis result, Rshiny reads the file, I confirmed that it
prepares the datatable correctly (~3000 rows) but does not show it
(although I return the correct datatable to renderDataTable). However when
I run the analysis, it is able to create the table and show it as it was
supposed to using the same part of the code. So the problem is only
apparent when the datatable is read from a file for the first time
(although read is successfully completed and datatable was successfully
prepared). And when I check the console I see "Maximum call stack size
exceeded" error for that case.
Could stack size be relevant with the datatable I am initially trying to
show somehow? And would increasing the stacksize be a solution? If yes, how
do I achieve that from R?
htmlwidgets.js:732 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Object.window.HTMLWidgets.evaluateStringMember (htmlwidgets.js:732)
at exports.OutputBinding.shinyBinding.renderValue (htmlwidgets.js:496)
at exports.OutputBinding.onValueChange (output_binding.js:16)
at exports.OutputBinding.delegator.(:6158/anonymous function) [as
onValueChange] (
at OutputBindingAdapter.onValueChange (output_binding_adapter.js:21)
at ShinyApp.receiveOutput (shinyapp.js:354)
at ShinyApp.<anonymous> (shinyapp.js:566)
at ShinyApp._sendMessagesToHandlers (shinyapp.js:551)
at ShinyApp.dispatchMessage (shinyapp.js:537)
at WebSocket.c.onmessage (shinyapp.js:112)
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Ozgen Eren
2018-09-24 12:27:53 UTC
I have further debugged it to find out the formatting of the rows
(specifically coloring them by condition) causes this when number of rows
is in the order of thousands. Output is generated like follows:

% this part is okay
result <- scanResultsOrdered %>%
selection = 'single',
extensions = c('FixedColumns', 'Buttons'),
#dom = 't',
dom = 'Bfrtip',
buttons = c(I('colvis'),'copy', 'print'),
fixedColumns = TRUE,
columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE,
targets=match(columns2hide, colnames(scanResultsOrdered))-1L ))

% this part fails in chrome
result <- result %>% formatStyle(
target = "row",
backgroundColor = styleEqual(unlist(scanResultsOrdered[[1]]) ,
values=c(rep("red", nRed),rep("yellow", nYel),rep("white", nWhi)))

And below is a reproducable example (running it on chrome should lead to
same problem when number of rows are too large and row formatting is used):


ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel(title=h4("example", align="center")),

server <- function(input, output){
x<-tibble(a=c(1,2,3), color=c("red","yellow","white"))
x<-tibble(a=1:(4*10^3), color=c(rep("red", 2*10^3), rep("yellow",
1*10^3), rep("white", 1*10^3) ))

data <- readRDS("./x.rds")
result <- datatable(data,
selection = 'single',

result <- result %>%
target = "row",
backgroundColor = styleEqual(unlist(data[["color"]]) ,
values=c(rep("red", 2*10^3),rep("yellow", 1*10^3),rep("white", 1*10^3)))

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Post by PhistucK
It sounds a bit like crbug.com/752081 (already fixed and released).
It basically talks about an infinite (or big enough) recursion within the
JavaScript parser.
Thousands of those (or similar) -
a = ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
Caused it.
I guess you are constructing the existing data using somehow and the
parser recurs until it dies.
How is it the output constructed in your case?
Post by Ozgen Eren
12:34 PM (2 hours ago)
I have an analysis Rshiny application that first checks if there were any
previously done analysis and if there is, it reads it and shows it as a
table. Otherwise user can run analysis himself and see the results in the
same table. Everything works perfectly fine except I have a specific
problem with chrome.
Only when chrome is used (works in IE, safari, firefox), and there is a
saved existing analysis result, Rshiny reads the file, I confirmed that it
prepares the datatable correctly (~3000 rows) but does not show it
(although I return the correct datatable to renderDataTable). However when
I run the analysis, it is able to create the table and show it as it was
supposed to using the same part of the code. So the problem is only
apparent when the datatable is read from a file for the first time
(although read is successfully completed and datatable was successfully
prepared). And when I check the console I see "Maximum call stack size
exceeded" error for that case.
Could stack size be relevant with the datatable I am initially trying to
show somehow? And would increasing the stacksize be a solution? If yes, how
do I achieve that from R?
htmlwidgets.js:732 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Object.window.HTMLWidgets.evaluateStringMember (htmlwidgets.js:732)
at exports.OutputBinding.shinyBinding.renderValue (htmlwidgets.js:496)
at exports.OutputBinding.onValueChange (output_binding.js:16)
at exports.OutputBinding.delegator.(:6158/anonymous function) [as
onValueChange] (
at OutputBindingAdapter.onValueChange (output_binding_adapter.js:21)
at ShinyApp.receiveOutput (shinyapp.js:354)
at ShinyApp.<anonymous> (shinyapp.js:566)
at ShinyApp._sendMessagesToHandlers (shinyapp.js:551)
at ShinyApp.dispatchMessage (shinyapp.js:537)
at WebSocket.c.onmessage (shinyapp.js:112)
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2018-09-24 12:33:48 UTC
Sorry, I am not very strong in non-JavaScript browser languages. :P

Post by Ozgen Eren
I have further debugged it to find out the formatting of the rows
(specifically coloring them by condition) causes this when number of rows
% this part is okay
result <- scanResultsOrdered %>%
selection = 'single',
extensions = c('FixedColumns', 'Buttons'),
#dom = 't',
dom = 'Bfrtip',
buttons = c(I('colvis'),'copy', 'print'),
fixedColumns = TRUE,
columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE,
targets=match(columns2hide, colnames(scanResultsOrdered))-1L ))
% this part fails in chrome
result <- result %>% formatStyle(
target = "row",
backgroundColor = styleEqual(unlist(scanResultsOrdered[[1]]) ,
values=c(rep("red", nRed),rep("yellow", nYel),rep("white", nWhi)))
And below is a reproducable example (running it on chrome should lead to
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel(title=h4("example", align="center")),
server <- function(input, output){
x<-tibble(a=c(1,2,3), color=c("red","yellow","white"))
x<-tibble(a=1:(4*10^3), color=c(rep("red", 2*10^3), rep("yellow",
1*10^3), rep("white", 1*10^3) ))
data <- readRDS("./x.rds")
result <- datatable(data,
selection = 'single',
result <- result %>%
target = "row",
backgroundColor = styleEqual(unlist(data[["color"]]) ,
values=c(rep("red", 2*10^3),rep("yellow", 1*10^3),rep("white", 1*10^3)))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Post by PhistucK
It sounds a bit like crbug.com/752081 (already fixed and released).
It basically talks about an infinite (or big enough) recursion within the
JavaScript parser.
Thousands of those (or similar) -
a = ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
Caused it.
I guess you are constructing the existing data using somehow and the
parser recurs until it dies.
How is it the output constructed in your case?
Post by Ozgen Eren
12:34 PM (2 hours ago)
I have an analysis Rshiny application that first checks if there were
any previously done analysis and if there is, it reads it and shows it as a
table. Otherwise user can run analysis himself and see the results in the
same table. Everything works perfectly fine except I have a specific
problem with chrome.
Only when chrome is used (works in IE, safari, firefox), and there is a
saved existing analysis result, Rshiny reads the file, I confirmed that it
prepares the datatable correctly (~3000 rows) but does not show it
(although I return the correct datatable to renderDataTable). However when
I run the analysis, it is able to create the table and show it as it was
supposed to using the same part of the code. So the problem is only
apparent when the datatable is read from a file for the first time
(although read is successfully completed and datatable was successfully
prepared). And when I check the console I see "Maximum call stack size
exceeded" error for that case.
Could stack size be relevant with the datatable I am initially trying to
show somehow? And would increasing the stacksize be a solution? If yes, how
do I achieve that from R?
htmlwidgets.js:732 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Object.window.HTMLWidgets.evaluateStringMember
at exports.OutputBinding.shinyBinding.renderValue
at exports.OutputBinding.onValueChange (output_binding.js:16)
at exports.OutputBinding.delegator.(:6158/anonymous function) [as
onValueChange] (
at OutputBindingAdapter.onValueChange (output_binding_adapter.js:21)
at ShinyApp.receiveOutput (shinyapp.js:354)
at ShinyApp.<anonymous> (shinyapp.js:566)
at ShinyApp._sendMessagesToHandlers (shinyapp.js:551)
at ShinyApp.dispatchMessage (shinyapp.js:537)
at WebSocket.c.onmessage (shinyapp.js:112)
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Ozgen Eren
2018-09-24 12:38:33 UTC
Haha, no problem!

I actually think that increasing "Max Call Stack Size" will solve the
problem but I dont know how. For example
here: http://2ality.com/2014/04/call-stack-size.html they show Chrome has
less than other browsers so I think it makes sense that it only doesn't
work on Chrome when number of rows increase.
Post by PhistucK
Sorry, I am not very strong in non-JavaScript browser languages. :P
Post by Ozgen Eren
I have further debugged it to find out the formatting of the rows
(specifically coloring them by condition) causes this when number of rows
% this part is okay
result <- scanResultsOrdered %>%
selection = 'single',
extensions = c('FixedColumns', 'Buttons'),
#dom = 't',
dom = 'Bfrtip',
buttons = c(I('colvis'),'copy', 'print'),
fixedColumns = TRUE,
columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE,
targets=match(columns2hide, colnames(scanResultsOrdered))-1L ))
% this part fails in chrome
result <- result %>% formatStyle(
target = "row",
backgroundColor = styleEqual(unlist(scanResultsOrdered[[1]]) ,
values=c(rep("red", nRed),rep("yellow", nYel),rep("white", nWhi)))
And below is a reproducable example (running it on chrome should lead to
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel(title=h4("example", align="center")),
server <- function(input, output){
x<-tibble(a=c(1,2,3), color=c("red","yellow","white"))
x<-tibble(a=1:(4*10^3), color=c(rep("red", 2*10^3), rep("yellow",
1*10^3), rep("white", 1*10^3) ))
data <- readRDS("./x.rds")
result <- datatable(data,
selection = 'single',
result <- result %>%
target = "row",
backgroundColor = styleEqual(unlist(data[["color"]]) ,
values=c(rep("red", 2*10^3),rep("yellow", 1*10^3),rep("white", 1*10^3)))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Post by PhistucK
It sounds a bit like crbug.com/752081 (already fixed and released).
It basically talks about an infinite (or big enough) recursion within
the JavaScript parser.
Thousands of those (or similar) -
a = ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
Caused it.
I guess you are constructing the existing data using somehow and the
parser recurs until it dies.
How is it the output constructed in your case?
Post by Ozgen Eren
12:34 PM (2 hours ago)
I have an analysis Rshiny application that first checks if there were
any previously done analysis and if there is, it reads it and shows it as a
table. Otherwise user can run analysis himself and see the results in the
same table. Everything works perfectly fine except I have a specific
problem with chrome.
Only when chrome is used (works in IE, safari, firefox), and there is a
saved existing analysis result, Rshiny reads the file, I confirmed that it
prepares the datatable correctly (~3000 rows) but does not show it
(although I return the correct datatable to renderDataTable). However when
I run the analysis, it is able to create the table and show it as it was
supposed to using the same part of the code. So the problem is only
apparent when the datatable is read from a file for the first time
(although read is successfully completed and datatable was successfully
prepared). And when I check the console I see "Maximum call stack size
exceeded" error for that case.
Could stack size be relevant with the datatable I am initially trying
to show somehow? And would increasing the stacksize be a solution? If yes,
how do I achieve that from R?
htmlwidgets.js:732 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Object.window.HTMLWidgets.evaluateStringMember
at exports.OutputBinding.shinyBinding.renderValue
at exports.OutputBinding.onValueChange (output_binding.js:16)
at exports.OutputBinding.delegator.(:6158/anonymous function) [as
onValueChange] (
at OutputBindingAdapter.onValueChange (output_binding_adapter.js:21)
at ShinyApp.receiveOutput (shinyapp.js:354)
at ShinyApp.<anonymous> (shinyapp.js:566)
at ShinyApp._sendMessagesToHandlers (shinyapp.js:551)
at ShinyApp.dispatchMessage (shinyapp.js:537)
at WebSocket.c.onmessage (shinyapp.js:112)
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Chromium Discussion mailing list: chromium-***@chromium.org
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-discuss" group.
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2018-09-24 13:16:20 UTC
It is not configurable, but assuming your code ends up creating a
concatenation or similar of many parts, it is reasonable to think it is a
V8 bug.
Can you show the resulting JavaScript for a smaller data-set?

Post by Ozgen Eren
Haha, no problem!
I actually think that increasing "Max Call Stack Size" will solve the
http://2ality.com/2014/04/call-stack-size.html they show Chrome has less
than other browsers so I think it makes sense that it only doesn't work on
Chrome when number of rows increase.
Post by PhistucK
Sorry, I am not very strong in non-JavaScript browser languages. :P
Post by Ozgen Eren
I have further debugged it to find out the formatting of the rows
(specifically coloring them by condition) causes this when number of rows
% this part is okay
result <- scanResultsOrdered %>%
selection = 'single',
extensions = c('FixedColumns', 'Buttons'),
#dom = 't',
dom = 'Bfrtip',
buttons = c(I('colvis'),'copy', 'print'),
fixedColumns = TRUE,
columnDefs = list(list(visible=FALSE,
targets=match(columns2hide, colnames(scanResultsOrdered))-1L ))
% this part fails in chrome
result <- result %>% formatStyle(
target = "row",
backgroundColor = styleEqual(unlist(scanResultsOrdered[[1]]) ,
values=c(rep("red", nRed),rep("yellow", nYel),rep("white", nWhi)))
And below is a reproducable example (running it on chrome should lead to
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel(title=h4("example", align="center")),
server <- function(input, output){
x<-tibble(a=c(1,2,3), color=c("red","yellow","white"))
x<-tibble(a=1:(4*10^3), color=c(rep("red", 2*10^3), rep("yellow",
1*10^3), rep("white", 1*10^3) ))
data <- readRDS("./x.rds")
result <- datatable(data,
selection = 'single',
result <- result %>%
target = "row",
backgroundColor = styleEqual(unlist(data[["color"]]) ,
values=c(rep("red", 2*10^3),rep("yellow", 1*10^3),rep("white", 1*10^3)))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Post by PhistucK
It sounds a bit like crbug.com/752081 (already fixed and released).
It basically talks about an infinite (or big enough) recursion within
the JavaScript parser.
Thousands of those (or similar) -
a = ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
Caused it.
I guess you are constructing the existing data using somehow and the
parser recurs until it dies.
How is it the output constructed in your case?
Post by Ozgen Eren
12:34 PM (2 hours ago)
I have an analysis Rshiny application that first checks if there were
any previously done analysis and if there is, it reads it and shows it as a
table. Otherwise user can run analysis himself and see the results in the
same table. Everything works perfectly fine except I have a specific
problem with chrome.
Only when chrome is used (works in IE, safari, firefox), and there is
a saved existing analysis result, Rshiny reads the file, I confirmed that
it prepares the datatable correctly (~3000 rows) but does not show it
(although I return the correct datatable to renderDataTable). However when
I run the analysis, it is able to create the table and show it as it was
supposed to using the same part of the code. So the problem is only
apparent when the datatable is read from a file for the first time
(although read is successfully completed and datatable was successfully
prepared). And when I check the console I see "Maximum call stack size
exceeded" error for that case.
Could stack size be relevant with the datatable I am initially trying
to show somehow? And would increasing the stacksize be a solution? If yes,
how do I achieve that from R?
htmlwidgets.js:732 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Object.window.HTMLWidgets.evaluateStringMember
at exports.OutputBinding.shinyBinding.renderValue
at exports.OutputBinding.onValueChange (output_binding.js:16)
at exports.OutputBinding.delegator.(:6158/anonymous function) [as
onValueChange] (
at OutputBindingAdapter.onValueChange
at ShinyApp.receiveOutput (shinyapp.js:354)
at ShinyApp.<anonymous> (shinyapp.js:566)
at ShinyApp._sendMessagesToHandlers (shinyapp.js:551)
at ShinyApp.dispatchMessage (shinyapp.js:537)
at WebSocket.c.onmessage (shinyapp.js:112)
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-discuss" group.
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