[chromium-discuss] How is the pre master key generated?
2018-11-08 04:06:15 UTC
A few days ago, my colleague asked me a question about how the pre master
key was generated, because I didn't know much about the https principle at
the time, so I spent a lot of time querying a lot of information and
understanding the process of https creating links. I'm seeing how many
pages are generated for the pre master key and I haven't explained it. I am
browsing this page
The site has two answers, one is 2 The character is the version number and
the remaining 46 characters are random values. Another answer is to use the
RSA or DH algorithm. Both of these answers are the opposite. Then I queried
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5246#section- The above explanation
tends to the first answer. So my colleague's explanation is that the pre
master key is generated by the system using a random value generator.
Colleagues say that the value of pre master key is generated using random_C
and random_S, and neither of us can convince anyone. So come over and ask a
professional. How is the pre master key generated?

I am using this document translated by Google. Chinese original text is as

前几倩同事问我䞀䞪问题pre master key
master key 的是劂䜕生成的并没有做出解释。我浏览到这䞪眑页
pre master key 是系统䜿甚随机倌生成噚生成的。同事诎pre master key 的倌是䜿甚 random_C 和 random_S
生成的我们䞀䞪谁也诎服䞍了谁。所以过来请教䞀䞋䞓䞚人士。到底 pre master key 是劂䜕生成。
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2018-11-08 08:27:28 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
Both of these answers are the opposite.
Not really, one is for RSA and the other is for DH and similar, as the
answer notes.

I reckon this function generated the premaster key (look for what is going
on with the pms variable) -

Post by b***@gmail.com
A few days ago, my colleague asked me a question about how the pre master
key was generated, because I didn't know much about the https principle at
the time, so I spent a lot of time querying a lot of information and
understanding the process of https creating links. I'm seeing how many
pages are generated for the pre master key and I haven't explained it. I am
browsing this page
The site has two answers, one is 2 The character is the version number and
the remaining 46 characters are random values. Another answer is to use the
RSA or DH algorithm. Both of these answers are the opposite. Then I queried
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5246#section- The above
explanation tends to the first answer. So my colleague's explanation is
that the pre master key is generated by the system using a random value
generator. Colleagues say that the value of pre master key is generated
using random_C and random_S, and neither of us can convince anyone. So come
over and ask a professional. How is the pre master key generated?
I am using this document translated by Google. Chinese original text is as
前几倩同事问我䞀䞪问题pre master key
master key 的是劂䜕生成的并没有做出解释。我浏览到这䞪眑页
pre master key 是系统䜿甚随机倌生成噚生成的。同事诎pre master key 的倌是䜿甚 random_C 和 random_S
生成的我们䞀䞪谁也诎服䞍了谁。所以过来请教䞀䞋䞓䞚人士。到底 pre master key 是劂䜕生成。
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