[chromium-discuss] Better UX Customization of Panels in Chrome Dev Tools
Martin Andersen
2018-06-07 18:33:29 UTC
Chrome Dev Tools panels is starting to get really hard to navigate.

It would be awesome if the panels in Chrome Dev Tools could be arranged
like in this video:

Even better if you can save "view" presets, depending on what you are doing.

Just imagine how wonderful your life would be, with your own customized
panel setup <3

What do you think? Is it possible? Yai? :-)

- Drag tab
- Split view Vertical/Horizontal
- Float tab in new window
- Save "view" presets
- Load "view" presets
- Drag on panel edge to resize
- Merge to tabs together
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2018-06-10 06:53:25 UTC
https://groups.google.com/group/google-chrome-developer-tools/ is better
for this.

Post by Martin Andersen
Chrome Dev Tools panels is starting to get really hard to navigate.
It would be awesome if the panels in Chrome Dev Tools could be arranged
Even better if you can save "view" presets, depending on what you are doing.
Just imagine how wonderful your life would be, with your own customized
panel setup <3
What do you think? Is it possible? Yai? :-)
- Drag tab
- Split view Vertical/Horizontal
- Float tab in new window
- Save "view" presets
- Load "view" presets
- Drag on panel edge to resize
- Merge to tabs together
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