[chromium-discuss] Is Chrome meant to be blocking DLL injection?
2018-10-08 14:59:37 UTC
Within the this
<https://blog.chromium.org/2017/11/reducing-chrome-crashes-caused-by-third.html> Chromium blog
post it is stated that *"In September 2018, Chrome 69 will begin blocking
third-party software from injecting into Chrome processes. If this blocking
prevents Chrome from starting, Chrome will restart and allow the injection,
but also show a warning that guides the user to remove the software"*.

However I am seeing that within version *"69.0.3497.100 (Official Build)
(64-bit)" *DLLs from 3rd party applications, i.e. non-Google and
non-Microsoft, are still being injected and there is no signs of a crash
and re-launch of Chrome.

Does anyone know whether the behaviour has changed since the Chromium blog
I've quoted was written?


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Joe Mason
2018-10-16 18:38:49 UTC
What software are you seeing injected? There's a white-list for
accessibility software (ie. input methods) and I think one other category
that I've forgotten.
Post by Caleb
Within the this
<https://blog.chromium.org/2017/11/reducing-chrome-crashes-caused-by-third.html> Chromium blog
post it is stated that *"In September 2018, Chrome 69 will begin blocking
third-party software from injecting into Chrome processes. If this blocking
prevents Chrome from starting, Chrome will restart and allow the injection,
but also show a warning that guides the user to remove the software"*.
However I am seeing that within version *"69.0.3497.100 (Official Build)
(64-bit)" *DLLs from 3rd party applications, i.e. non-Google and
non-Microsoft, are still being injected and there is no signs of a crash
and re-launch of Chrome.
Does anyone know whether the behaviour has changed since the Chromium blog
I've quoted was written?
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2018-10-16 18:46:31 UTC
Thanks Joe.

Can you point me in the direction of this white list? If it is hard coded into chrome is the list documented somewhere?


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Joe Mason
2018-10-16 20:23:32 UTC
I don't think it's a fixed list, I think the type of module is detected.
looks like the main entry point, and there's a separate method
OnImeEnumerated that's called only for input methods. You should be able to
tell how it decides what's an input method by digging around in the code
starting there.
Post by Caleb
Thanks Joe.
Can you point me in the direction of this white list? If it is hard coded
into chrome is the list documented somewhere?
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