[chromium-discuss] Full-Screen mode on multiple screens -- behavior has changed? (OS X)
Ben U
2018-10-29 19:34:48 UTC
On earlier versions of Chrome (perhaps only a month ago?) on a multi-screen
OS X setup, going full-screen (for an online video, e.g.) would only take
over the monitor where the full-screen button was pressed, so you could
still access content on other monitors. Lately, the other two monitors go
black and can't be used for other activities. This is browser-wide (tested
on multiple websites). Is this a new feature? I haven't been able to find
any preference options to revert to the old behavior.
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Ken Russell
2018-10-31 21:30:23 UTC
This sounds like a bug. Please file it on crbug.com/ and post the bug ID
here so it can be routed quickly to the appropriate team. Thanks.
Post by Ben U
On earlier versions of Chrome (perhaps only a month ago?) on a
multi-screen OS X setup, going full-screen (for an online video, e.g.)
would only take over the monitor where the full-screen button was pressed,
so you could still access content on other monitors. Lately, the other two
monitors go black and can't be used for other activities. This is
browser-wide (tested on multiple websites). Is this a new feature? I
haven't been able to find any preference options to revert to the old
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Wei Li
2018-11-01 18:21:23 UTC
This sounds
like https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=863047. If so,
please star it (click the star next to the issue number). So the team can
further evaluate it as it is not a commonly used feature. thanks.
Post by Ken Russell
This sounds like a bug. Please file it on crbug.com/ and post the bug ID
here so it can be routed quickly to the appropriate team. Thanks.
Post by Ben U
On earlier versions of Chrome (perhaps only a month ago?) on a
multi-screen OS X setup, going full-screen (for an online video, e.g.)
would only take over the monitor where the full-screen button was pressed,
so you could still access content on other monitors. Lately, the other two
monitors go black and can't be used for other activities. This is
browser-wide (tested on multiple websites). Is this a new feature? I
haven't been able to find any preference options to revert to the old
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Sidney San Martín
2018-11-01 21:30:10 UTC
Hi Ben,

Just to highlight something from the crbug: this only comes into play if
you have "displays have separate spaces" turned off in System Preferences.
The behavior you're seeing is normal for that setting; Chrome's behavior
was special. Turning that setting back on will make fullscreen windows each
take over a single display.
Post by Ken Russell
This sounds like
https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=863047. If so,
please star it (click the star next to the issue number). So the team can
further evaluate it as it is not a commonly used feature. thanks.
Post by Ken Russell
This sounds like a bug. Please file it on crbug.com/ and post the bug ID
here so it can be routed quickly to the appropriate team. Thanks.
Post by Ben U
On earlier versions of Chrome (perhaps only a month ago?) on a
multi-screen OS X setup, going full-screen (for an online video, e.g.)
would only take over the monitor where the full-screen button was pressed,
so you could still access content on other monitors. Lately, the other two
monitors go black and can't be used for other activities. This is
browser-wide (tested on multiple websites). Is this a new feature? I
haven't been able to find any preference options to revert to the old
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