[chromium-discuss] Help needed in following up on reported chromium crash
Motti Lanzkron
2018-11-12 13:09:49 UTC
I opened a bug report on Chromium on July (regarding a browser crash) and
it was marked as duplicate but I don't have permissions to view the bug it
was marked as duplicate of. Does anyone know how I can see the status of
the other bug?

The issue I opened is:
It was marked as a duplicate
of: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=680342

Thanks, Motti.
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Ken Russell
2018-11-13 02:10:18 UTC
It looks like all of the crashes being generated on your system have no
files to process on Chrome's server side; not sure whether that's because
the minidump isn't being uploaded properly, or similar. Any help you can
provide to get us a symbolizable minidump so we can track down the problem
would be helpful.
Post by Motti Lanzkron
I opened a bug report on Chromium on July (regarding a browser crash) and
it was marked as duplicate but I don't have permissions to view the bug it
was marked as duplicate of. Does anyone know how I can see the status of
the other bug?
Thanks, Motti.
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Ken Russell
2018-11-13 19:40:56 UTC
I'm unfortunately not sure. CC'ing chromium-discuss@ again in case anybody
else has ideas.
Thanks Ken!
I will try to collect new crash reports, do you have any tips on what I
should do differently in order to successfully collect the dumps?
Thanks again, Motti.
Post by Ken Russell
It looks like all of the crashes being generated on your system have no
files to process on Chrome's server side; not sure whether that's because
the minidump isn't being uploaded properly, or similar. Any help you can
provide to get us a symbolizable minidump so we can track down the problem
would be helpful.
Post by Motti Lanzkron
I opened a bug report on Chromium on July (regarding a browser crash)
and it was marked as duplicate but I don't have permissions to view the bug
it was marked as duplicate of. Does anyone know how I can see the status of
the other bug?
Thanks, Motti.
Chromium Discussion mailing list: chromium-***@chromium.org
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Dave Tapuska
2018-11-13 19:53:19 UTC
Does your chrome inside your container actually generate crash reports
correctly? ie; can you do a forced crash from going to "chrome :// crash"
(remove the spaces, I added them to prevent people from just clicking on a
URI in email and generating a bunch of reports) ? Once you provide the
server crash id we can see if there is a report with a minidump. If not
then the crashpad team would need to first fix why minidumps aren't
available inside your setup.

anybody else has ideas.
Thanks Ken!
I will try to collect new crash reports, do you have any tips on what I
should do differently in order to successfully collect the dumps?
Thanks again, Motti.
Post by Ken Russell
It looks like all of the crashes being generated on your system have no
files to process on Chrome's server side; not sure whether that's because
the minidump isn't being uploaded properly, or similar. Any help you can
provide to get us a symbolizable minidump so we can track down the problem
would be helpful.
Post by Motti Lanzkron
I opened a bug report on Chromium on July (regarding a browser crash)
and it was marked as duplicate but I don't have permissions to view the bug
it was marked as duplicate of. Does anyone know how I can see the status of
the other bug?
Thanks, Motti.
Chromium Discussion mailing list: chromium-***@chromium.org
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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-discuss+***@chromium.org.
Motti Lanzkron
2018-11-14 09:51:06 UTC
Typing the crash URL causes the "Aw, Snap" page, I've updated the defect
(which has since be un-duped) with crash report 77d755a68318cd9f.
Is there anything I can do the check if the minidumps are OK?
Post by Dave Tapuska
Does your chrome inside your container actually generate crash reports
correctly? ie; can you do a forced crash from going to "chrome :// crash"
(remove the spaces, I added them to prevent people from just clicking on a
URI in email and generating a bunch of reports) ? Once you provide the
server crash id we can see if there is a report with a minidump. If not
then the crashpad team would need to first fix why minidumps aren't
available inside your setup.
anybody else has ideas.
Thanks Ken!
I will try to collect new crash reports, do you have any tips on what I
should do differently in order to successfully collect the dumps?
Thanks again, Motti.
Post by Ken Russell
It looks like all of the crashes being generated on your system have no
files to process on Chrome's server side; not sure whether that's because
the minidump isn't being uploaded properly, or similar. Any help you can
provide to get us a symbolizable minidump so we can track down the problem
would be helpful.
Post by Motti Lanzkron
I opened a bug report on Chromium on July (regarding a browser crash)
and it was marked as duplicate but I don't have permissions to view the bug
it was marked as duplicate of. Does anyone know how I can see the status of
the other bug?
Thanks, Motti.
Chromium Discussion mailing list: chromium-***@chromium.org
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Dave Tapuska
2018-11-14 15:03:46 UTC
The crash report doesn't have a minidump so it appears there is a problem
with the collection of a minidump in your environment.

Adding crashpad-dev for additional comment.

Post by Motti Lanzkron
Typing the crash URL causes the "Aw, Snap" page, I've updated the defect
(which has since be un-duped) with crash report 77d755a68318cd9f.
Is there anything I can do the check if the minidumps are OK?
Post by Dave Tapuska
Does your chrome inside your container actually generate crash reports
correctly? ie; can you do a forced crash from going to "chrome :// crash"
(remove the spaces, I added them to prevent people from just clicking on a
URI in email and generating a bunch of reports) ? Once you provide the
server crash id we can see if there is a report with a minidump. If not
then the crashpad team would need to first fix why minidumps aren't
available inside your setup.
anybody else has ideas.
Thanks Ken!
I will try to collect new crash reports, do you have any tips on what I
should do differently in order to successfully collect the dumps?
Thanks again, Motti.
Post by Ken Russell
It looks like all of the crashes being generated on your system have
no files to process on Chrome's server side; not sure whether that's
because the minidump isn't being uploaded properly, or similar. Any help
you can provide to get us a symbolizable minidump so we can track down the
problem would be helpful.
Post by Motti Lanzkron
I opened a bug report on Chromium on July (regarding a browser crash)
and it was marked as duplicate but I don't have permissions to view the bug
it was marked as duplicate of. Does anyone know how I can see the status of
the other bug?
Thanks, Motti.
Chromium Discussion mailing list: chromium-***@chromium.org
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-discuss" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-discuss+***@chromium.org.
Mark Mentovai
2018-11-14 15:20:19 UTC
The bug report <https://crbug.com/868703> is OS-Linux, and Linuces are
still on Breakpad. We’ll be transitioning them to Crashpad shortly, so the
best advice I can offer is to sit tight. All of these “Breakpad didn’t
collect” bugs should be obsoleted once we make the move.
Post by Dave Tapuska
The crash report doesn't have a minidump so it appears there is a problem
with the collection of a minidump in your environment.
Adding crashpad-dev for additional comment.
Post by Motti Lanzkron
Typing the crash URL causes the "Aw, Snap" page, I've updated the defect
(which has since be un-duped) with crash report 77d755a68318cd9f.
Is there anything I can do the check if the minidumps are OK?
Post by Dave Tapuska
Does your chrome inside your container actually generate crash reports
correctly? ie; can you do a forced crash from going to "chrome :// crash"
(remove the spaces, I added them to prevent people from just clicking on a
URI in email and generating a bunch of reports) ? Once you provide the
server crash id we can see if there is a report with a minidump. If not
then the crashpad team would need to first fix why minidumps aren't
available inside your setup.
anybody else has ideas.
Thanks Ken!
I will try to collect new crash reports, do you have any tips on what
I should do differently in order to successfully collect the dumps?
Thanks again, Motti.
Post by Ken Russell
It looks like all of the crashes being generated on your system have
no files to process on Chrome's server side; not sure whether that's
because the minidump isn't being uploaded properly, or similar. Any help
you can provide to get us a symbolizable minidump so we can track down the
problem would be helpful.
Post by Motti Lanzkron
I opened a bug report on Chromium on July (regarding a browser
crash) and it was marked as duplicate but I don't have permissions to view
the bug it was marked as duplicate of. Does anyone know how I can see the
status of the other bug?
Thanks, Motti.
Chromium Discussion mailing list: chromium-***@chromium.org
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-discuss" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-discuss+***@chromium.org.
Motti Lanzkron
2018-11-14 15:23:55 UTC
Do you have a time-frame estimate to when linux will support crash dumps?
Post by Mark Mentovai
The bug report <https://crbug.com/868703> is OS-Linux, and Linuces are
still on Breakpad. We’ll be transitioning them to Crashpad shortly, so the
best advice I can offer is to sit tight. All of these “Breakpad didn’t
collect” bugs should be obsoleted once we make the move.
Post by Dave Tapuska
The crash report doesn't have a minidump so it appears there is a problem
with the collection of a minidump in your environment.
Adding crashpad-dev for additional comment.
Post by Motti Lanzkron
Typing the crash URL causes the "Aw, Snap" page, I've updated the defect
(which has since be un-duped) with crash report 77d755a68318cd9f.
Is there anything I can do the check if the minidumps are OK?
Post by Dave Tapuska
Does your chrome inside your container actually generate crash reports
correctly? ie; can you do a forced crash from going to "chrome :// crash"
(remove the spaces, I added them to prevent people from just clicking on a
URI in email and generating a bunch of reports) ? Once you provide the
server crash id we can see if there is a report with a minidump. If not
then the crashpad team would need to first fix why minidumps aren't
available inside your setup.
anybody else has ideas.
Thanks Ken!
I will try to collect new crash reports, do you have any tips on what
I should do differently in order to successfully collect the dumps?
Thanks again, Motti.
Post by Ken Russell
It looks like all of the crashes being generated on your system have
no files to process on Chrome's server side; not sure whether that's
because the minidump isn't being uploaded properly, or similar. Any help
you can provide to get us a symbolizable minidump so we can track down the
problem would be helpful.
Post by Motti Lanzkron
I opened a bug report on Chromium on July (regarding a browser
crash) and it was marked as duplicate but I don't have permissions to view
the bug it was marked as duplicate of. Does anyone know how I can see the
status of the other bug?
Thanks, Motti.
Chromium Discussion mailing list: chromium-***@chromium.org
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Chromium-discuss" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to chromium-discuss+***@chromium.org.
2018-11-14 16:27:13 UTC
By the way, that URL will not be linked and even if it is linked, Chrome
will not navigate to chrome:// URLs from non chrome:// origins, regardless
of user gestures (selecting it and right clicking on it and selecting "Go
to chrome..." will, though).
Also, if I remember correctly, it should not generate a report, too.

Post by Dave Tapuska
Does your chrome inside your container actually generate crash reports
correctly? ie; can you do a forced crash from going to "chrome :// crash"
(remove the spaces, I added them to prevent people from just clicking on a
URI in email and generating a bunch of reports) ? Once you provide the
server crash id we can see if there is a report with a minidump. If not
then the crashpad team would need to first fix why minidumps aren't
available inside your setup.
anybody else has ideas.
Thanks Ken!
I will try to collect new crash reports, do you have any tips on what I
should do differently in order to successfully collect the dumps?
Thanks again, Motti.
Post by Ken Russell
It looks like all of the crashes being generated on your system have no
files to process on Chrome's server side; not sure whether that's because
the minidump isn't being uploaded properly, or similar. Any help you can
provide to get us a symbolizable minidump so we can track down the problem
would be helpful.
Post by Motti Lanzkron
I opened a bug report on Chromium on July (regarding a browser crash)
and it was marked as duplicate but I don't have permissions to view the bug
it was marked as duplicate of. Does anyone know how I can see the status of
the other bug?
Thanks, Motti.
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"Chromium-discuss" group.
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Chromium Discussion mailing list: chromium-***@chromium.org
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